Member of Biden COVID-19 Working Group: Biden will be vaccinated soon

Member of Biden COVID-19 Working Group: Biden will be vaccinated soon

Rick Bright, a member of US President-elect Joe Biden's COVID-19 task force, said On Wednesday that Biden "will be vaccinated soon" and that he was discussing vaccine-related issues with Fauci, CNN reported Wednesday.
英语.jpg英语.jpg英语.jpg"Biden doesn't want to jump the queue, that's for sure," Bright told CNN. "He wants to make sure that limited doses of the vaccine are available to the people who need it the most, the most vulnerable, including health care workers and long-term residents. But he wants to make sure he gets vaccinated."

"He just wants to make sure it's his turn, and he wants to make it public and let people know that he's very confident in the outcome."

Asked why he didn't get vaccinated on Wednesday, Bright said, "I know there's been a discussion about it, and I know it's going to happen soon. It's just a matter of timing and coordination." Bright added, "No hesitation at all

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